360 Deal
Typically, a long-term arrangement with a record label that can come with an advance to cover costs for recording, touring, etc, in return for an ownership share and an agreed royalty split.
Artist & Repertoire: a department of professionals typically found in record labels and music publishers, who are responsible for discovering and nurturing talent, signing songwriters and performers to contracts, and overseeing their creative development.
Any form of modification or alteration of a musical work or sound recording to create a new musical work or sound recording
Adaptation Right
The right to alter a musical work or sound recording that already exists.
A type of creator who modifies an existing musical work's composition to create a new so-called derivative work.
To manage music-related rights and royalties on behalf of rights holders.
The process of managing music-related rights and royalties on behalf of rights holders.
A payment made to creators before the musical work or sound recording is monetized.
Payments made to creators before the musical work or sound recording is monetized.
A type of distributor that only distributes sound recordings to online stores and streaming platforms.
Agreement Numbers
A unique number generated when songwriters register their works with a music publisher.
Artificial Intelligence: the ability for machines to imitate or reproduce human decisions.
A collection of sound recordings released as a single item.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Voluntary processes where parties involved in a dispute resolve it without going to court.
When parties involved in a dispute agree to bring their dispute to a neutral third party, who will make a decision to resolve it.
An alteration of a pre-existing musical work that may incorporate changes to, for example, tempo, harmony, instrumentation, and orchestration.
A type of creator who alters a pre-existing musical work, changing, for example, tempo, harmony, instrumentation, and orchestration.
In the context of music, a solo performer or group of performers who perform a musical work live or recorded.
Artistic Work
An expression represented in any medium, such as but not limited to photographs, drawings, paintings, sculptures, and music.
To grant a third party the right to manage rights on behalf of the original rights holders.
The grant, to third party, for the right to manage rights on behalf of the original rights holder's.
Assignment of Rights
The process of allowing a third party to manage rights on behalf of the original rights holders.
Audience Demographics
A term used to describe audience profiles typically in terms of location, gender, and age.
Audiovisual Media
A form of communication incorporating moving images and sound, such as films, TV, and video games.
A person who makes an original contribution to a work protected under copyright law.
Backing Track
A sound recording typically used to accompany performers during a live performance.
Low end frequencies of the sound.
An underlying musical accompaniment, usually the main accent or rhythmic unit in music.
A type of creator that creates an underlying musical accompaniment, usually the main accent or rhythmic unit in music.
Best Practice
Guidelines or examples of how practices, legislation, regulation, or codes of conduct can be used to achieve the best outcomes.
The “Bureau international des sociétés gerant les droits d’enregistrement et de reproduction mécanique”. The international organization representing mechanical rights societies.
A form of licensing that allows unlimited uses of a repertoire of musical works or sound recordings under certain conditions
Blanket License
A form of licensing that allows unlimited uses of a repertoire of musical works or sound recordings under certain conditions
An individual who writes online content such as a journal (blog) dedicated to a specific subject, for example, music.
Booking Agent
Individuals or companies that work with artists to schedule concerts, tours, and in-person appearances and negotiate fees and contracts for those bookings.
A part of a song that serves as a transition between two other song sections, for example in between a verse and a chorus. A bridge is often used as a way to add change or variation to the song.
When a sound recording is played to the public by signal transmission, for example on radio or television
A transaction that transfers full ownership of the rights in a musical work, performance, or sound recording.
A collection of musical works or sound recordings.
Cease and Desist Letter
A written notice demanding that the recipient immediately stop an activity
A part of a song that repeats after each verse. It is often the recurring section that highlights the main theme of a song.
The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers.
Civil Law
Laws principally based on codes of statutes and Roman law rather than court decisions
A rights holder's request for an entitlement, for example, royalties, redress, or reward.
Official permission to use a musical work or sound recording, in full or part of.
Click Through Rates
CTR: is the number of times users click on the digital ad being displayed to them.
Collective Management Organization: An organization that acts collectively on behalf of the rights holders it represents and collects and pays remuneration to rights holders.
Creators who have written a musical work together.
Co-Publishing Deal
An agreement in which a songwriter shares the publishing rights and royalties with a music publisher.
When one or more creators write a musical work together.
Collective Management Organization
An organization that acts collectively on behalf of the rights holders it represents and collects and pays remuneration to rights holders.
Collectively Bargain
A negotiation process between representatives of workers, such as unions, and employers, such as trade bodies, to establish the conditions of employment.
Intended to make money.
Commercial Radio
Radio stations that are reliant on income from advertisers.
Commercial Release
The official distribution of a sound recording offered for public consumption and sale.
Common Law
Laws principally based on court decisions rather than codes or statutes in countries that follow an English legal tradition
Communication to the Public
When a musical work or sound recording is played live, made available online or transmitted by any means other than distributing physical copies, for example at concerts, in clubs, on radio or tv, by webcasting or streaming.
A composer creates the melodies, chord progressions and other elements of a musical work other than the lyrics.
Writes music.
A collection of notes, melodies, chords, rhythms, arrangements, instrumentation, and more, excluding lyrics.
An audio processing technique used in recording and production to control the dynamic range, which is the difference between the loudest and quietest parts of a sound or a mix.
Compulsory License
A license that allows certain uses of musical works or sound recordings without express permission from the rights holders but subject to specific conditions and remuneration.
Concert Fees
A sum of money is paid to rights holders and performers for live performances, typically in front of a paying audience.
Concert Organizers
People or entities that organize concerts and other live performance events.
When a user is served a digital ad and completes an action, for example, clicking on a link and buying a ticket to a concert.
The ownership of rights in a song under copyright law
Copyright Infringement
Using a protected musical work or sound recording without the permission of the rights holders in cases where such permission is required by copyright law.
Copyright Law
National laws that protect creators' and other rights holders' moral and economic rights in musical works, performances, and sound recordings.
Copyright Office
A government agency responsible for regulating and administering copyright, including the enforcement of copyright laws.
AKA cover version: a performance or new sound recording of a musical work that someone else originally performed, recorded, and released.
Cover Art
Artwork used for commercial release of music.
Cover Version
AKA cover, a performance or new sound recording of a musical work that someone else originally performed, recorded, and released.
Creative Commons License
A license that allows users to legally use musical works, performances, or sound recordings for free under certain conditions.
Anyone who contributes to creating or performing a musical work, a live performance, or a sound recording.
Creators' Rights
Controls creators have over what they created or produced in a musical work, performance, or sound recording and over their identity and image.
To be publicly acknowledged for a contribution to the creation of a musical work, a live performance, or sound recording, for example, listing a songwriter's or performer's name.
Public acknowledgment of someone's contribution to the creation of a musical work, a live performance, or sound recording, for example, a songwriter's or performer's name.
Cultural Funds
Money used to promote culture by providing social, cultural, and educational services for the benefit and welfare of creators.
Digital Audio Workstation: a software application that allows musicians to record, edit, mix, and master audio.
A common term used in the music industry to describe an agreement or contract between a creator and a record label or publishing company.
An audio effect that plays back duplicate of sound to create echoes or depth
Demo Version
An initial, typically incomplete, recording of a musical work.
Derivative Work
A new work based on a pre-existing work.
Development Programs
A program in which music distributors offer marketing support or financial investment to a creator in return for a royalty share.
Digital Formats
Formats that store music in computer-readable files using binary code, such as WAV, MP3, and FLAC.
Digital Music formats
Formats that store music in computer-readable files using binary code, such as WAV, MP3, and FLAC.
To deliver sound recordings to DSPs and physical retailers.
To deliver sound recordings to DSPs and physical retailers.
Delivering sound recordings to DSPs and physical retailers.
The process of delivering sound recordings to DSPs and physical retailers.
Distribution Deal
An agreement where a record label agrees to distribute the sound recordings of a self-releasing artist or an independent record label for a percentage split of the distribution or streaming royalties.
A company or service that delivers music to digital streaming platforms and physical retail stores.
Do It Yourself: when a creator works independently without a record label or music publisher.
Disc Jockey: a person who curates and plays sound recordings to an audience. DJs can mix sound recordings together to create new and unique versions or mixes.
Dramatic Performance
A stage performance, dance, or musical theatre production.
Digital Service Provider: an online platform that provides streaming or download services to consumers.
European Article Number: A retail barcode used to track sales of products.
Economic Rights
The rights to control or receive payment for the commercial exploitation of works, performances, sound recordings, and broadcasts.
The active response of people to a marketing campaign, event or strategy
A person who ensures that sound is captured in the best way possible in a studio or live setting.
Short for equalization, it is an audio processing technique used in music production to adjust the frequency balance of a sound or a mix.
Exclusive Licensee
A person or entity other than the rights holder that has the sole ability to exploit a musical work or sound recording for certain uses
Exclusive Rights
The rights to determine the terms and conditions under which a musical work, performance, or sound recording can be licensed or not for use.
Expert Determination
A form of dispute resolution where parties submit a dispute concerning a particular technical issue to a neutral third party, called an expert, who will make a decision.
Expression of Folklore
A form of expression, usually passed down from generation to generation, consisting of characteristic elements that reflect the heritage of a traditional or indigenous community. For example, dance, art, ceremonies, and stories.
Fair Dealing
A legal doctrine based on UK copyright law that allows the limited use of copyrighted material in specific scenarios without permission from its rights holders.
Fair Use
A legal doctrine based on a US copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material in specific scenarios without permission from its rights holders.
Featured Artist
A performer collaborating with the main artist on a sound recording.
Featured Performer
A performer collaborating with the main artist on a sound recording.
Final Mix
A term used to describe a sound recording in its final stages of audio processing and adjustments, aka mixing, before mastering.
The process of writing or recording a musical work or performance in a tangible form, such as sheet music or a sound recording.
A musical work or performance written or recorded in a tangible form, such as sheet music or a sound recording.
Free Lossless Audio Codec: a digital audio format that provides high-quality audio compression without any loss of audio fidelity.
Flat Fee
A pricing structure that charges a single fixed fee.
Customs, beliefs, stories, and sayings handed down from generation to generation.
A term used to describe different forms of audio storage available for purchase or consumption, such as CD, vinyl, cassette, or digital audio files.
To write for and in the name of another person
Grand Rights
The right to agree or object to the use of a musical work in a dramatic performance such as operas, ballets, or musicals.
Grand Rights Royalties
Money paid for the right to perform a musical work in the context of a dramatic work, such as a stage performance, dance, or musical theatre production.
Two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins.
The short, catchy, and often repetitive part of a song.
Unique alphanumeric codes used to identify creators, rights holders, musical works, and sound recordings.
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry: the organization that represents the interests of the recording industry worldwide.
Image Rights
The right to control a person's own representation on images, such as photographs or videos.
Independent management Entities: private organizations, usually for-profit, controlled by shareholders, and typically focused on a specific aspect of rights management.
The number of times a digital ad has been displayed to users.
A type of creator that creates lyrics or composes music at the same time as they perform it.
Not affiliated with any other entity or company.
Independent Artist
A creator who does not have a contractual agreement with a record label and or music publisher.
Independent Management Entities
IME: private organizations, usually for-profit, controlled by shareholders, and typically focused on specific aspects of rights management.
Independent Record Label
Record labels that operate without the financial backing of any other major labels. They can range in size and often work with smaller distribution and publishing companies.
Independent Self Releasing Artist
A creator who does not have a contractual agreement with a record label and or music publisher.
Independent Self-Releasing
Without a contractual agreement with a record label and or music publisher
Without affiliation, by oneself.
Industry Identifiers
Unique alphanumeric codes used to identify creators, rights holders, musical works, and sound recordings.
The use of a protected musical work, performance, or sound recording without the permission of the rights holders or a license from a CMO in cases where such permission or license is required by copyright law.
Infringing Copyright
The use of a protected musical work or sound recording without the permission of the rights holder's in cases where such permission is required by copyright law
A musical work involving only the use of musical instruments.
The selection and combination of musical instruments.
Intellectual Property
Creations of the mind, such as copyrighted works, performances, sound recordings, patented inventions, registered designs, or trademarks.
Intellectual Property Office
A government agency responsible for regulating and administering intellectual property.
Intellectual Property Rights
Rights, including copyright and related rights, in creations of the mind, such as copyrighted works, performances and sound recordings, patented inventions, registered designs, or trademarks.
Interactive Streaming
Streaming services that allow users to choose the music or videos they want to listen to or view.
International Performers Database: a database that holds details and the unique identifier of performers in sound recordings and audio-visual works.
Interested Party Information: a unique international identifier for songwriters and music publishers.
IPI numbers
Interested Party Information; a unique international identifier for songwriters and music publishers.
International Performer Number: a unique international identifier for performers.
International Standard Name Identifier: a unique identifier for people, organizations, and companies involved in creative activities.
ISO standard
An internationally recognised formula that describes the best way of doing something
International Standard Recording code: a unique identifier for sound recordings.
ISRC Manager
Parties other than the rights owners can apply to be permitted to assign ISRCs
International Standard Musical Work Code: a unique identifier for musical works.
Label Copy
Label copy is a document or collection of information relating to a sound recording, for example, title, performer names etc
Label Services
A range of services that can be provided by record labels, such as marketing, promotion, and distribution.
Refers to the volume of audio signals during the sound recording process.
A form of permission given to use copyrighted material, such as a musical work or sound recording, under certain conditions and usually for a fee.
License Fee
A sum of money paid for the permission given to use copyrighted material, such as a musical work or sound recording under certain conditions, and usually for a fee
Permission granted to use copyrighted material, such as a musical work or sound recording, under certain conditions and usually for a fee.
The person or entity that obtains a license to use copyrighted material, such as a musical work or sound recording.
The process of granting permission to use copyrighted material, such as a musical work or sound recording.
Licensing Fees
Money paid for a license that allows the use of copyrighted material, such as a musical work or sound recording.
Licensing Organizations
Organizations that license the use of copyrighted material, such as musical works or sound recordings.
The person or entity that grants a license to use copyrighted material, such as a musical work or sound recording.
Live Venue Organizers
People or entities that organize concerts and other live performances events
A sum of money paid as a one-time payment.
Lyric Video
A music video that displays only the lyrics of a song.
A type of creator that writes the words of a musical work.
The words written to be performed by singers, rappers, and other vocalists.
Main Artist
A performer or group of performers credited as the artist mainly featuring on stage or on the sound recording.
Typically, large organizations that operate many countries, with workforces that can number in the thousands. As of writing they include, Universal Music Group, Sony Music and Warner Music Group.
Major Record Label
Typically, large organizations that operate in many countries, with workforces that can number in the thousands. As of writing, they include Universal Music Group, Sony Music, and Warner Music Group.
Make Available
When a music work or sound recording is communicated to the public in such a way that members of the public may access the work or sound recording from a place and at a time individually chosen by them, such as streaming or downloading
Making Available to the Public
When a musical work or sound recording is available to members of the public from a place and at a time individually chosen by them, such as streaming or downloading
A person who represents the interests of one or multiple creators, including artists, songwriters, music producers, or other roles.
Market Share
The portion of the market that is representative of a person's or organization's share of control, revenue, influence, etc.
A musical work usually created by blending two or more sound recordings.
The original sound recording.
Master Recording
The original sound recording.
Master Rights
The rights to the ownership of, and all other rights in, a sound recording.
The term used to describe a sound recording once it has been mixed and is ready for distribution.
The term used to describe the final process of adjusting levels, tone, compression, spacing, etc., to enhance the overall sound of a sound recording before release.
Mastering Engineer
A person who makes adjustments to enhance the final mix of a sound recording and prepares it for distribution.
Mechanical License
A license to reproduce and distribute a musical work in a physical or digital format.
Mechanical Right
The right to reproduce and distribute a musical work.
Mechanical Royalties
Money paid to the copyright owners of musical works whenever their musical works are reproduced, usually as a sound recording, in a digital or physical format.
Media Outlets
A publication or broadcast channel that provides news and feature stories to the public.
A voluntary dispute resolution method that may include all parties involved in a dispute.
Successions of single musical notes in an organized manner.
A succession of single musical notes in an organized manner.
Data that describes other data, for example, information that describes creators, other rights holders, musical works, and sound recordings.
Having had separate recorded tracks blended together to create a cohesive and balanced sound recording.
Rearrangements or combinations of existing sound recordings
The process of blending separate recorded tracks together to create a cohesive and balanced sound recording.
Mixing Engineer
A person who blends separate recorded parts of sound recording together to create a cohesive and balanced sound.
The process of converting something into money.
Moral Rights
Rights that protect the identity, integrity, and reputation of creators and their work.
MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) is an audio compression format designed to reduce the digital file size of audio recordings while maintaining an acceptable level of sound quality.
Music Rights Awareness Foundation: an apolitical foundation that works to increase knowledge of music rights worldwide.
Mechanical Rights Organization: an organization that represents songwriters and music publishers and collects mechanical rights royalties on their behalf.
Multi-Territory Licensing
A licensing method that gives permission, in one single license, to use copyrighted material, such as a musical work or sound recording, in more than one country.
Separate recordings (tracks) that represent an individual line of recorded performance, such as a vocal, drum, guitar, keyboard, or bass performance.
Separate recordings (tracks) that represent an individual line of recorded performance, such as a vocal, drum, guitar, keyboard, or bass performance.
Music Blogger
An individual who writes online content, such as a journal (blog), dedicated to music.
Music Ecosystem
The interconnected network of creators, organizations, and companies with different roles who work to create, produce, perform, distribute, promote, manage, and monetize musical works and sound recordings.
Music Industry Ecosystem
The interconnected network of creators, organizations, and companies with different roles who work to create, produce, perform, distribute, promote, manage, and monetize musical works and sound recordings.
Music Producer
Sometimes called a studio producer or record producer, a person who typically helps a recording artist record a musical work. They are usually responsible for the entire recording process.
Music Publisher
A company that represents songwriters, supporting their career development, monetizing musical works, and protecting copyrights.
Music Publisher Management
Music distributors managing the relationship between music publishers and creators.
Music Supervisor
A person who selects and obtains licenses for the use of music works in film or television.
Music Video
An audiovisual production often portraying the performance of a song or including other visual images accompanied by a song.
Musical Notation
A system of symbols and markings used by musicians for writing music down.
Musical Work
An original musical composition with or without lyrics.
A person who plays a musical instrument.
National Copyright Office
A government agency responsible for regulating and administering copyright and related rights.
Neighboring Rights
Another term for Related Rights, the moral and economic rights creators and other rights holders have over their performances and sound recordings.
Non-featured Artist
An artist who performs an instrument or provides vocals as part of a sound recording or live performance but who is not credited as the main or secondary artist, for example, session musicians or backing singers.
Non-featured Performer
A performer who performs an instrument or provides vocals as part of a sound recording or live performance but who is not credited as the main or secondary artist, for example, session musicians or backing singers.
Official Licensing Agency
An organization that can license the use of musical works and sound recordings.
A creative contribution to a musical work that is sufficiently distinct from any pre-existing musical work
Original Rights Owners
Creators or producers who, by law, are entitled to copyright or related rights at the point of creation of a musical work, performance, or sound recording.
Other Public Body
A government organization.
The process of placing a sound to the left or right side of the stereo field.
In the context of music, to play a musical work live or on a sound recording.
In the context of music, when a musical work is played live or on a sound recording.
Performance Royalties
Money paid to the rights holders of musical works or sound recordings whenever they are performed publicly. This can be a live performance or a broadcast of a sound recording.
In the context of music, a creator playing a musical work live or on a sound recording.
Performers' Rights
The moral and economic rights performers have over their performances.
Performing Right
The right to play a musical work publicly, live or as a sound recording
A public image of one's personality.
Personality Rights
Rights for a person to control the use of their identity, such as name, image, likeness, or other unequivocal identifiers.
The term under copyright law used to describe a protected sound recording defined as the fixation of sounds exclusively.
Phonogram Producer
The term under copyright law to describe the owner of a sound recording.
Something tangible.
Physical Formats
Tangible items such as CDs, vinyl records, and cassettes.
Physical Product
Tangible items such as CDs, vinyl records, and cassettes.
Reproducing copyrighted musical works and sound recordings without authorization
To submit a song to be considered for use or inclusion, for example, in a curated playlist, for a licensing opportunity, or for a sound recording.
A custom compilation of songs or videos that are curated by individuals or music streaming platforms.
Playlist Pitching
To submit a song to be considered for inclusion in a curated playlist.
Playlist Promotion
A method to encourage people to listen to a song by having that song on popular playlists.
When a song or video is added to a custom compilation curated by individuals or music streaming platforms.
The process of adding a song or video to a custom compilation curated by individuals or music streaming platforms.
A term used to describe a royalty share, usually taken from the artist's share of royalties. Typically, one point is equal to 1 percent of the revenue (royalties).
Public Relations: a communication strategy or activity aimed at creating public awareness of, for example, a brand, person, or entity.
The option to place an order for a product, such as an album or single, before it is released.
Pre-Save Links
The streaming equivalent of pre-orders, a link that enables new music to be automatically added to the user's library the day it is released.
Sometimes also referred to as lead, releasing, featured, or main artist, is a performer or group of performers credited as the main featuring live on stage or on the sound recording.
Primary Artist
Sometimes also referred to as the lead artist, releasing artist, featured artist, or main artist, it is a performer or group of performers credited as the main artist featuring live on stage or on the sound recording.
Print Music Royalties
Money generated through the sale or use of the printed or digital sheet music or lyrics of a musical work.
Print Rights
The rights to reproduce and distribute a musical work on sheet music.
Private Copying
Copying of musical works and sound recordings for private purposes.
Performing Rights Organization: a type of Collective Management Organization that administers rights and collects royalties on behalf of songwriters and music publishers when their musical works are publicly performed or broadcast.
Sometimes called a studio producer or record producer, a person who typically helps a recording artist record a musical work. They are usually responsible for the entire recording process.
Production Company
A company responsible for the development and filming of visual content such as TV, film, music videos, and video games.
Tangible items such as CDs, vinyl records, and cassettes.
People or companies that organize and promote live music events, such as concerts, music festivals, and other live performances.
A name someone uses instead of their real name.
Relating to or in service of people in general, i.e., the public.
Public Domain
When a musical work, performance, or sound recording is no longer protected under copyright law.
Public Performance
When a musical work or sound recording is played live or communicated to the public, such as in clubs or restaurants, on radio, television, or streaming platforms.
Public Persona
The public image of one's personality.
Public Radio
A generic term for radio stations that receive funds from both the government and the public.
Publicity Rights
A person's rights in how they are represented.
In the context of music, when a song is played to an audience or consumers.
Publicly Perform
The presentation of something, usually an artistic work or act, that is accessible to or observable by the public
Having an artistic work, such as a musical work, made available for public consumption, for example, a musical work recorded and made available for sale as a single.
A company that represents songwriters, supporting their career development, monetizing musical works, and protecting copyrights.
Publishing Administrator
A provider of music publishing services who does not attain any actual copyright from songwriters.
Publishing Agreement
A contract between a songwriter and a music publisher for the publishing rights. It typically specifies the details of their agreement, the royalty percentage each party will receive, which countries the publisher will represent in, and the length of the contract.
Publishing Deal
A contract between a songwriter and a music publisher for the publishing rights. It typically specifies the details of their agreement, the royalty percentage each party will receive, which countries the publisher will represent in, and the length of the contract.
Radio Distribution
Delivering sound recordings to radio stations.
Radio Plugger
A person who specializes in getting their clients music on radio playlists.
Reciting from memory or a formal reading in front of an audience.
Record Company
A company that owns several record labels.
Record Contract
Also referred to as a record deal, a legally enforceable agreement by which an artist gives a record label the right to make recordings of their performances and to commercialize those recordings, usually in exchange for recording services, financing, promotion, and royalty payments.
Record Label
A company that invests in, manufactures, distributes, promotes, and monetizes sound recordings on behalf of the artist.
Record Label Deal
Also referred to as a record contract or recording contract, an agreement between an artist and a record label that often comes with a monetary advance and funding to cover costs for recording, marketing, promotion, and distribution. In exchange for these services, the record label usually takes ownership of the sound recordings and agrees to pay a percentage of royalties to the artist.
Record Producer
The person or company taking the responsibility for making a sound recording.
Typically, the recorded performance of a musical work. Under copyright law, it is referred to and protected as a phonogram, defined as a fixation of sounds exclusively.
Recording Artist
Usually, the main artist or performer who performed on a sound recording.
Recording Contracts
Also referred to as a record deal or record contract; a legally enforceable agreement by which an artist gives a record label the right to make recordings of their performances, and to commercialize those recordings, usually in exchange for recording services, financing, promotion and royalty payments.
Recording Studio
A specialized facility designed for producing, recording, and editing audio content, primarily music.
To receive payback of money given to creators.
Able to be recouped, for example, money given to a creator can be paid back.
Recoupable Arrangements
Items or services provided under agreement that their costs will be recouped, ie. paid back
To submit information relating to musical works and sound recordings to an appropriate registration body, for example, copyright ownership information submitted to a Collective Management Organization or copyright office.
Having submitted information relating to musical works and sound recordings to an appropriate registration body, for example, copyright ownership information submitted to a Collective Management Organization or copyright office.
Submitting information relating to musical works and sound recordings to an appropriate registration body, for example, copyright ownership information submitted to a Collective Management Organization or copyright office.
The process of submitting information relating to musical works and sound recordings to an appropriate registration body, for example, copyright ownership information submitted to a Collective Management Organization or copyright office.
Related Rights
The moral and economic rights creators and other rights holders have over their performances and sound recordings under copyright law.
Modifying, adding, or rearranging existing musical or vocal elements of a sound recording to create a new sound recording.
A type of creator that modifies, adds, or rearranges existing musical or vocal elements of a sound recording to create a new sound recording.
New sound recordings based on pre existing sound recording that have been modified, added to, or rearranged
A payment for the use of a musical work, sound recording or performance under a statutory license
Remuneration Rights
Under copyright law, the right to have payment for the use of a musical work, sound recording, or performance under a statutory license.
In the context of music, allowing someone to use a physical carrier of a sound recording for a defined period with the obligation to then return it to its owner.
Representation Agreements
Agreements between organizations such as Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) that allow them to represent other rights holders represented by other CMOs in other countries.
To make copies.
Copies having been made.
The action or process of copying, for example, making copies of a musical work or sound recordings
Short for reverberation, an audio effect used to add depth and dimension to sound recordings.
Right of Attribution
The moral right to be recognized as the author or performer
Right of Broadcasting
The right to play to the public a music work or sound recording by signal transmission, for example on radio or television
Right of Distribution
The right to offer copies of a musical work or sound recording for sale or consumption, for example through vinyl or CD sales, downloading or streaming
Right of Integrity
The moral right to be able to say no to any change that disrespects the author or performer
Right of Making Available to the Public
The right to communicate to the public a music work or sound recording in such a way that members of the public may access the work or sound recording from a place and at a time individually chosen by them, such as streaming or downloading
Right of Reproduction
The right to make copies of a musical work or sound recording
The controls creators or rights holders have over what they have created or produced and over their identity and image.
Rights Holder
A person or company that has Intellectual Property Rights in a musical work, performance or sound recording
Rights Management
General activities undertaken to administer, preside over or manage rights
Rights Management Entities
Organizations focused on specific aspects of rights management. They may work with others to collectively manage larger portfolios of rights.
Rights Management Information
Information relating to rights, for example, the copyright holder's name or their share of ownership in a musical work or sound recording.
Rights Owner
A person or company that owns Intellectual Property Rights to a musical work, performance or sound recording under copyright law
Rights Transfer
Passing on rights to a third party who becomes the rights holder.
Rights Management Entities: organizations focused on specific aspects of rights management. They may work with others to collectively manage larger portfolios of rights.
Role Codes
An identifier associated with a creator's role or type of contribution made, for example, to the creation of a musical work.
Money paid for the right to use a musical work, performance or sound recording, typically but not always in the form of recurring payments
Money paid for the right to use a musical work, performance, or sound recording, typically, but not always, in the form of recurring payments.
Royalty Splits
The division of royalties earned from the use of a musical work or sound recording, usually represented as a percentage.
Royalty Statement
Documents that give creators and other rights holders information about usage, earnings, and payments.
A part of an existing sound recording used in a new recording.
The process of using parts of existing sound recordings in a new recording.
Societies' Council for the Collective Management of Performers' Rights: the international association for the development of the practical cooperation between performers' collective management organizations.
A creator who publishes their own music without the support of a music publisher.
Publishing music without the support of a music publisher, for example, a songwriter publishing their own songs.
Releasing music without the support of a record label
Self-Releasing Artist
Artists that release their music without the support of a record label.
Session Musician
A creator typically hired by recording studios or music producers to perform an instrument or provide vocals as part of a sound recording or live performance. They are usually paid a flat fee to contribute to a performance on a sound recording.
The list of musical works publicly performed by an artist at an event such as a concert.
Also sometimes referred to as splits, the portion of ownership a rights holder has or portion of income they are entitled to.
Sheet Music
The musical notes, scores, bars, text, annotations, and lyrics written or printed documenting a musical work. It may also include instructions about how the musical work should be performed.
Refers to a creator who has a record label or music publisher contract.
A type of music release, usually of one song.
Social Media
Internet-based exchange or sharing of user-generated content or communications.
Social Media Campaign
A targeted advertising campaign across social media platforms to encourage a specific action, such as signing up for a mailing list.
Social Media Platforms
Digital service platforms for the creation, exchange, or sharing of any user-generated content or communications.
Social Security
Health, unemployment, pension, and related insurances and benefits.
A combination of a musical work and a sound recording.
A person who makes an original contribution to the creation of a musical composition or lyrics.
Songwriter Splits
Each rights holder's share of the rights in and income from a musical work.
The act of creating music or lyrics, or both.
Songwriting Credit
The acknowledgement of a person for their original contribution to the creation of a musical work.
Sound Check
A test of the musical instruments and recording equipment to ensure everything is working correctly to deliver good quality sound.
Sound Recording
Typically, the recorded performance of a musical work protected as a phonogram under copyright law.
Sound Recording Files
Typically, digital music files in MP3, WAV, FLAC, or similar file types.
Sound Recording Owner
Under copyright law, the person or company responsible for the creation of the sound recording.
Sound Recording Splits
Each rights holder's share of the rights in and income from a sound recording.
The silence or space between sounds
Special Purpose Vehicles
SPVs: entities usually set up in partnership between a CMO and a music publisher, established to license and administer the publisher's musical works in specific circumstances.
Also sometimes referred to as shares, the portion of ownership a rights holder has or the portion of income they are entitled to.
Split Sheet
A written document that identifies each contributor to a musical work or sound recording and their ownership share.
Special Purpose Vehicles: entities usually set up in partnership between a CMO and a music publisher, established to license and administer the publisher's musical works in specific circumstances.
Stage Name
A name someone uses instead of their real name.
Statutory Licenses
A license established in legislation that allows certain uses of musical works or sound recordings without express permission from the rights holders but subject to specific conditions and remuneration.
Statutory Licensing Systems
Legal frameworks or legislation that allows certain uses of musical works or sound recordings without express permission from the rights holders but subject to specific conditions and remuneration.
Individual tracks or recorded pieces of performances that make up a sound recording, for example, separate recordings of drums, guitar, or voice performances.
Online platforms, such as digital stores, streaming services, or physical locations where consumers can purchase music.
Streaming Data
Information provided by DSPs on the total number of streams and location of the listeners.
Streaming Royalties
Income generated from the consumption of sound recordings on DSP streaming services.
Streaming Services
Services that provide video or music content over the internet for people to watch or listen to immediately.
Studio Performance
A musical performance in a recording studio.
Studio Performer
A performer typically hired by recording studios or producers to perform on a sound recording. For example, a backing singer or session musician.
The collective management organization for Swiss songwriters, composers, and music publishers.
Sync License
A license to use a musical work with visual media in a so-called audiovisual work, such as movies, videos, TV shows, commercials, video games, or websites.
Sync Licensing
The process for obtaining the authorization to use a musical work with visual media in a so-called audiovisual work, such as movies, videos, TV shows, commercials, video games, or websites.
Reproducing a musical work for, and sometimes using, a pre-existing sound recording in audiovisual media.
Aka Sync, reproduction of musical works for, and sometimes the use of, a pre-existing sound recording in audiovisual media.
Synchronization Rights
The right to use a musical work with visual media, for example, a movie, TV program, video game, or website.
Synchronization Royalties
Income earned for the use of a musical work or sound recording in audiovisual media, such as movies, TV shows, advertisements, and video games.
Takedown Notice
The process of removal of copyrighted musical works and sound recordings from the internet that are being used without permission.
Technological Protection Measures
Technological tools that restrict uses of musical works, performances, or sound recordings that are not authorized by the rights holders or permitted by law.
The rate or speed at which music plays.
Term of Protection
The duration of copyright or related rights protection.
Terrestrial Broadcast Radio
Radio broadcast via ground-based transmissions, for example, AM/FM.
The frequencies of sound produced by instruments or vocals
The vocal melody and lyrics that sit on top of an instrumental, backing track, or beat.
A songwriter that focuses primarily on writing the vocal melody and, in most cases, also the lyrics of a musical work.
A type of creator that composes instrumental music, which lays the foundation for new musical works.
A sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises.
Trademark Office
An agency that registers trademarks.
Trademark Rights
Controls rights holders have over a registered trademark that prevent it from being used by others without their permission.
Traditional Cultural Expressions
Creative expression of traditional culture that is part of the identity and heritage of an indigenous people or local community and passed down from generation to generation.
Where the ownership or management of rights has been granted to others in addition to or instead of the original rights owner.
The adaptations of lyrics or other words into another language.
A type of creator that translates the lyrics of a musical work from one language into another.
Tones of high frequency or high pitch, such as high notes in a song.
A court or other official judicial body established by law to resolve legal disputes.
United States of America.
UGC Platform
User Generated Content (UGC); a type of DSP that allows users to upload and share their own content, as well as discover new content from other users
Organizations that work politically and legally to promote their members' interests and support sustainability and growth within the music industry.
Universal Product Code: a barcode used to track sales and distribution of products; for example, each product (single, EP, or album) is given a UPC.
In the context of music, it is used to describe the use of a musical work or sound recording, for example, the type and number of streams or radio plays.
Usage Report
A report that details the types and number of uses of a musical work or sound recording, for example, the number of streams or radio plays.
User Generated Content
Aka UGC, any form of content created and shared by users on internet platforms. In the context of music, this is typically video content with music.
Persons and organizations that engage in commercial or public use of musical works and sound recordings, for example, DSPs, radio and TV stations, and retail businesses.
Different versions of a musical work or sound recording which incorporate modified elements, while still retaining recognizable elements of the original.
A part of a song, usually a longer section, that features changing lyrics rather than repeating lyrics, such as in the chorus.
A singer.
Voluntary Agreement
When the parties involved in a dispute agree on a solution without having to go to court.
When a rights holder declares not to assert certain rights.
Waveform Audio File Format: an audio file format that stores digital audio. It is known for its high-quality sound reproduction used for music production, audio recording, and playback.
Website Sign-Up Form
A web page for users to enter required information in order to receive specific news related to a creator and their music.
World Intellectual Property Organization: a United Nations agency and a global forum for intellectual property policy, services, information and cooperation.
In the context of music, a composition with or without lyrics.
Work For Hire
An arrangement that automatically grants ownership of musical works, performances, or sound recordings made under an employment contract to the employer rather than the creator.