Marketing is the process that informs the public that are available to be streamed or purchased. It’s the buzz and attention created for the , usually the artist, and their sound recordings.
Most areas of marketing for will be done by the record label’s in-house teams, but it’s not uncommon for them to hire external professionals to take care of certain areas. If you’re an artist, sometimes known as a artist or creator, it will be up to you to carry out your own marketing activities, which also means putting together your own budget. Independent self-releasing artists can hire specialist marketers or agencies that can help them.
What works for one artist’s marketing may not always work for another. There are a number of strategies that can be used as part of the marketing opportunities that target new and existing audiences or promote new artists. The aim is to grow a fan base and get them listening to the music.
Some of these strategies include:
Public Relations (PR)
Social media and advertising
Direct Marketing
Video credit: Tiffany Orvet, Daniel Sundström, Eric Ivar Persson, Christine Miller, Nikki Skelly, Jeff Noble, Tony Bollas, Kelly Wright, Oasis Nguyen, Tobias Leo Nordquist, Ponny Höijer, William Engström, Parapix