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Synchronization rights

2 min read

What are synchronization rights?

Synchronization Rights mean the right to use a musical work with visual media.

What are synchronization rights?

Synchronization rights are the rights to use a in an audiovisual work, for example, a movie, TV program, video game, or website. This could be by recording the musical work specifically for that use or by using a pre-existing of a musical work.

If a pre-existing sound recording is being used, then will also be applicable when it is used with . See our page on Master Rights to learn more.

Synchronization rights include the right of of a musical work into an audiovisual work. They may involve other rights typically transferred to the producer of the audiovisual work, which are part of protected by .

You can delve further into this on our pages on Rights in Musical Works and Rights in Performances and Sound Recordings.

Who has the synchronization rights?

Synchronization rights are owned and between the of the musical work. Songwriters may also share their synchronization right split with their .

When a pre-existing sound recording is incorporated into an audiovisual work, performers and owners of sound recordings, such as , and independent , also have rights.

Visit our pages on Songwriter Splits, Sound Recording Splits, Music Publishers, and Getting Credited and Paid to learn more.

Image credit: Martin Fabricius Rasmussen